Building Materials

Many different types of building material sourced from around the world were used in the construction of the cathedral. The following is a list of some of these materials:
  • The Cathedral walls are constructed of rock-faced bluestone, quarried in the Footscray and Malmsbury areas of Victoria.
  • The roof slate came from Wales, and originally had a pink tone
  • The clustered columns of all the chapels are of Hobart stone. This stone, together with the stone dressings around the windows and doors on the exterior of the building, came from quarries at Kangaroo Point and afterwards from Spring Bay, near Kangaroo Point.
  • Great clustered columns of the crossing are also of Malmsbury bluestone which is of a much finer texture than those of the nave.
  • The floor tiles were manufactured by Mintons of England.
  • The pews are constructed of a combination of timbers predominately from Oregon, but also a combination of oak and cedar.
  • The ceiling of the left aisle is of New Zealand stone, while the ceiling of the right aisle is made of plaster.
  • During the 1939 alterations and additions, Hawkesbury sandstone was used. This stone has a characteristic reddish-yellow tone.
  • Sandstone for the 1992-1997 restoration and replacement of damaged elements came from West Australia.
  • The ceiling beams are comprised of predominately Oregon (Douglas Fir), and Kauri Pine.
