Chancel & Sanctuary

ImageThe confessionals were built in 1939 and are situated in the side walls of both aisles of the nave.

ImageThe Baptistery is divided from the main body of the Cathedral by an iron grille, according to the early Christian custom.

Archbishop's Throne The cathedra - the episcopal chair. Archbishop Mannix used this chair, though not as the cathedra. It was presented to the cathedral in 1895

ImageThe original pulpit was a large carved structure, which is now in the kept by the Melbourne Diocesan Historical Commission. The lectern now in use, made of brass, is shaped like an eagle. It was designed by cathedral architect William Wardell.

High AltarThe original High Altar, c1868 to 1897, was made of wood and was adorned with paintings of the Blessed Virgin, St Joseph, St Patrick and St Brigid, with a pelican motif in the centre panel. It was transferred to a church in Carlton.

SanctuaryThe sanctuary was extended into the crossing of the Cathedral in 1970 and made permanent in 1997. It has bluestone steps leading to a floor made of Spanish Alicante and Portugese Rosa Aurora marble, containing four symbolic mosaics of the evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, from the Book of Kells.
