
The altar reredos has two mosaics depicting scenes of sacrifice and of spiritual nourishment described in the Old Testament – the Sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac and of Abraham and Melchisedech.

The tabernacle, made in 1900, features a pelican motif, representing the Eucharist. The pelican is a symbol of Christ because according to myth she feeds her young with blood from her breast in times of the scarcity of food and thereby gives her life for her young.

Originally known as the Mortuary Chapel, the Holy Souls Chapel was dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Goold, who laid the first stone in 1880. Archbishop Goold is buried beneath the chapel; a brass memorial plaque marks his resting place.

The first Mass in the newly finished chapel was offered on 9 June 1888 by Archbishop Carr for the repose of the soul of his predecessor.

Three mosaic panels on the front of this chapel's altar depict the Marriage of Joseph to the Blessed Virgin, the Flight into Egypt, and the Holy Family.

A marble statue of St Joseph is centred in the niche of the reredos. At the top are the carved words: ‘St Joseph, ora pro nobis’ (St Joseph, pray for us).

This is the central chapel of the seven grouped in a semi-circle behind the sanctuary and it is situated directly behind the High Altar. The foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Goold on 8 September 1879.

This chapel was to be known as the Chapel of St James, however, when a bust of St Thomas Aquinas arrived from Paris, it was decided to change the dedication of the chapel and place the bust there.

This chapel was originally called the Chapel of the Irish Saints but later became known as the Children’s Chapel dedicated to St Brigid. Children contributed to the cost of the chapel’s completion.
On the archway over the chapel is inscribed a text from the 44th Psalm: ‘Omnis Gloria eius filiae regis ab intus’ (All the glory of the King’s daughter is within).

Originally designated to be the organ and choir gallery, the chapel was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus after the arrival of a Sacred Heart statue from Germany in 1874 and the dedication of the Diocese of Melbourne to the Sacred Heart in 1875.
