Chapel of St Brigid

This chapel was originally called the Chapel of the Irish Saints but later became known as the Children’s Chapel dedicated to St Brigid. Children contributed to the cost of the chapel’s completion.

On the archway over the chapel is inscribed a text from the 44th Psalm: ‘Omnis Gloria eius filiae regis ab intus’ (All the glory of the King’s daughter is within).

The altar is constructed of alabaster, its frontal panel features small mosaics of St Patrick and St Columbanus.

A marble statue of Saint Brigid is located in the niche of the reredos. Carved images of four Irish saints from the sixth and seventh centuries are also represented in the reredos – St Dympna, St Reyna, St Ita and St Bees (Bega).

The stencilled motifs on the walls depict the clover leaf, an Irish symbol of the Blessed Trinity.
