The Ladye Chapel

This is the central chapel of the seven grouped in a semi-circle behind the sanctuary and it is situated directly behind the High Altar. The foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Goold on 8 September 1879.

The altar is made of English red and white alabaster and is of 4.11metres high and 2.36metres wide. The front of the altar has three ornamented panels, in the centre a mosaic of the monogram of Our Lady with slightly smaller mosaic of Star of the Sea and of the Tower of David, titles given to Our Lady, on either side.

The reredos has a moulded canopied niche that features a marble statue of Our Lady with the title of Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven). In the panels on either side of the reredos are mosaics depicting the Nativity of Our Lord and The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin.

Carved above the reredos are the words: ‘Mater Salvatoris, ora pro nobis’ (Mother of the Savour pray for us). 

The mosaic floor is constructed of small pieces of stone no larger than half an inch.

The inscription across the front arch of the chapel is a text from Luke 1:26, ‘Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum’ (Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with thee).

Fine stencilling on the walls of the chapel carry the monogram of Our Lady ‘VM’ and a cross motif.
