The Way of the Cross - An Ecumenical Devotion

Way of the Cross - Station 6 Over a number of years Melbourne City Churches in Action (MCCIA) worked on a project to initiate an ecumenical walk through the City of Melbourne on Good Friday, to remember Jesus' walk to the Cross. The walk is marked by a series of 14 superb bronze sculptures which tell the story of the journey of Jesus from the Last Supper to the Cross.  The 14 'stations' are placed outside various City Churches with two in the grounds of St Patrick's Cathedral. At each station those participating pause for prayer, readings, reflection and song. The first walk was held in 2000. Recent walks have attracted over 3000 people who joined together for worship and to witness to the people of Melbourne.

On Good Friday Christians from many denominations take part in the 'Way of the Cross'. The route is marked by 14 superb bronze sculptures which tell the story of the journey of Jesus from the Last Supper to the Cross.
The walk commences at St Francis Church in Lonsdale Street and concludes at St Paul's Cathedral in Flinders Street.

Way of the Cross - Station 6The Stations

  1. The Last Supper, John 13:1-14
    St Francis Church, Lonsdale Street
  2. The Garden of Gethsemane, Matt 26:26-46
    In the garden of St Francis' Church, Cnr of Elizabeth & Little Lonsdale Streets
  3. Jesus before the Sanhedrin and the betrayal of Peter, Luke 22:54-62
    Cross-cultural Church, Swanston Street
  4. Jesus before Pilate, John 18:28-38
    Wesley Uniting Church, Lonsdale Street
  5. Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns, John 19:1-3
    St Peter's Church, Eastern Hill
  6. Jesus carries his cross, John 19:17
    St Patrick's Cathedral, Cnr of Gisborne & Albert Streets
  7. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross, Luke 23:26
    St. Patrick's Cathedral, Adjacent to the Main Entrance
  8. Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem, Luke 23: 26-31
    Trinity Lutheran Church, Parliament Place
  9. Jesus is crucified, Luke 23:33-34
    Along Collins Street opposite St Michael's Church
  10. Jesus and the good thief, Luke 23:38-43
    Scots Church, Collins Street
  11. Jesus speaks to Mary and the beloved disciple, John 19:25-27
    Baptist Church, Collins Street
  12. Jesus dies on the cross, Mark 15:33-39
    St Paul's Cathedral, Swanston Street entrance
  13. Jesus is taken down from the cross, John 19:38-42
    St Paul's Cathedral, Flinders Street entrance
  14. Jesus rises from the dead, Mark 16:1-8
    St John's Church, Southgate

The Sculptor
The sculptures are by a young Melbourne artist, Anna Meszaros, whose work is of a very high quality, creative and thought provoking in its interpretation of the biblical texts. We believe it is the kind of work people will find inspiring and culturally enriching.

For further information contact:

St Francis' Church
326 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Ph: 03 9663 2495
Fax: 03 9663 2817