Research has revealed conflicting results as to how a couple can achieve a baby of their desired sex. Many couples are familiar with the Shettles study which considered the role of timing lovemaking in relation to the time of ovulation. Other studies demonstrated the contrary.
The ideal situation is where a unique and irreplaceable human being is lovingly brought into being and joyfully accepted just for who she or he is by her or his parents.
Today, science has made possible human embryo experimentation. This opens the way for ‘designer babies’ who are permitted to live provided they conform to their parents’ preconceived preferences. Whilst many couples would deny that they would go so far, the point is that couples who want to pre-select the sex of their child need to consider how it would be if their baby did not match their hopes and expectations.
After candid reflection, the thoughts of couples can range:
As couples do seek advice on sex preselection, Natural Fertility Services, Melbourne, will still offer them fertility awareness instruction, along with freely available information on the various research results.