1. What are the side effects of contraceptives?
2. Does contraception just prevent fertilisation? How do contraceptives work?
3. What do groups like the World Health Organisation have to say about the link between hormonal contraception and cancer?
4. Is Hormonal Menopausal Therapy safe?
[1] http://sparky.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3008998.html [2] British Medical Journal, May 2009. The Venous Thrombotic Risk of Oral Contraceptives etc. A. Van Hylckama Vlieg [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyHyR0x2dyo [4]Walter L. Larimore and Joseph B. Stanford, “Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent,” Archives of Family Medicine 9 (February 2000), 127. [5] Ibid. [6] Physicians’ Desk Reference (Montvale, N.J.: Thomson, 2006), 2414. [7] World Health Organization Statement Sept. 2005 [8] https://papersowl.com/discover/known-and-probable-human-carcinogens [9] http://monographs.iarc.fr/ [10] World Health Organization Statement Sept. 2005 [11] www.nbocc.org.au [12] Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology; A Primer for Fertility Care Professionals. Pope Paul VI Institute Press: Omaha, NE. 2002. p. 103 [13] IBID. p. 104 [14] IBID. p. 104 [15] Mayo Clinic Proceedings October 2006 [16] The Lancet Oncology Vol. 10 January 2009 [17] http://hormonereplacementtherapysideeffects.org/