The Coat of Arms of Archbishop Denis Hart has at its centre the symbol of the burning sun with the monogram of the Holy Name of Jesus as designed by St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. Archbishop Hart was educated by the Jesuit Fathers at Xavier College, Kew.
In the lower half of the shield is the deer (or hart) drinking from three streams which flow from the rock. This device appears on the Hart family coat of arms. It is also symbolic of the Christian who draws life from the streams of living water: the sacramental life of the Church which flows from Christ her Lord and God.
In the upper left is the emblem of the 40th International Eucharistic Congress held in Melbourne in 1973. Archbishop Hart was closely involved in its celebration. The device also appears in Archbishop Little’s Coat of Arms.
In the upper right is the monogram of Mary, Mother and Queen. Archbishop Hart grew up in Immaculate Conception Parish, Hawthorn and was educated by the Marist Brothers at Hawthorn. The same symbol appears in Archbishop Pell’s Coat of Arms.
Emeritus Archbishop Hart’s motto: Constant in Faith is based on the apostle Paul’s prayer for the Church at Ephesus: ‘Now you have heard the good news of your salvation and have believed it. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ give you a spirit of perception and wisdom of what is revealed to bring you to a full knowledge of him’ (Ephesians 1:13;17).