- Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne celebrates 50th Anniversary of Decree on Ecumenism, with special guest Prof. Catherine Clifford (22 October, 2014)

Wednesday 22nd October 2014 the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission hosted a public event to celebrate 50 years of Catholic ecumenism since the Second Vatican Council issued the Decree "Unitatis Redintegratio". The celebration took place at the Catholic Leadership Centre, and the special guest was Prof. Catherine Clifford, PhD STL.
Professor Clifford is Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at St Paul University, Ottawa. Her research areas include Ecumenical Studies, Sacramental Theology, Ecclesiology and the Second Vatican Council. Publications include: Decoding Vatican II (Paulist, 2014) and Keys to the Council (Liturgical Press, 2013). She is a member of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada.
The evening began with a reception for guests who have been involved in ecumenical dialogue in Melbourne, Australia and beyond - in some cases for the last forty years.This was followed by an ecumenical Thanksgiving liturgy in Simmonds Hall. The liturgy included readings from the New Testament and from the Decree on Ecumenism, interspersed with hymns, psalms and intercessions, repenting for our past divisions, taking stock of where weare in the present, and looking toward the future.
Following the liturgy, Professor Clifford gave the public lecture: "“Fifty Years of Dialogue: An overview of major advances in interchurch relations since Vatican II and the challenge of reception”. Emeritus Prof. Robert Gribben of the United Faculty of Theology gave the response.
Click here to download a copy of the ecumenical liturgy
Click here for a gallery of pictures from the night